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Happy Presidents Day

Happy Presidents Day. I’ve been seeing a lot of “stuff” on tv about this. Mainly because the tv’s are on in front of me when I’m working out at the YMCA. I don’t listen but some of them have captioning so you can get a sense of what’s being said. One item I’ve seen more than once is some pundit exclaiming that religion has no place in government. Well, that’s just plain wrong. Some of our greatest Presidents knew that as you’ll see in this Knights of Columbus video released for today.

Attending Mass in Louisville

Cindy and I got to work together last week in Louisville, KY at the National Farm Machinery Show. It’s a huge indoor farm show at the Kentucky Expo Center.

We attended weekday Mass at St. Agnes Catholic Church. This is a beautiful church that we’ve both been to before when we’ve been in town for the show. This was the first time we got to go together.

We get to work together again this week at the National Ethanol Conference in Orlando, FL too.

Force of Evil Emerging in Power of Finance & Media

Pope BenedictI wanted to write a post about the lack of respect for each other we see so much in the media and efforts like the mis-guided Occupy Movement. But the Holy Father beat me to the punch and says it so much better than I can. Pope Benedict visited the Major Seminary of Rome for the occasion of the feast of its patroness, Our Lady of Trust. While there he pronounced a “lectio divina” on the passage from the Letter of St. Paul to the Romans in which the Apostle invites the faithful not to conform to this world but to transform themselves and renew their minds in order to discern the will of God, “the good and acceptable and perfect”.

“We can reflect upon the Church today”, he said in his off-the-cuff remarks. “There is much talk about the Church of Rome, many things are said. Let us hope that people also talk about our faith. Let us pray to God that it may be so”.

The Pope then went on to refer to the force of evil which, in today’s world, also emerges “in two great powers which are good and useful in themselves but easily open to abuse: the power of finance and the power of the media. Both are necessary, both are useful, but so subject to misuse that they often go against their true goals”.

Today “we see how the world of finance can dominate mankind. Possession and appearance dominate and enslave the world. … Finance is no longer a tool to promote well being and to support the life of man, but a force that oppresses him, one which almost has to be worshipped”. The Pontiff called on his audience not to conform to this power. “Be non conformists. What counts is not possession but existence”, he said. Christians must not bow to this power, but use it as “as a means, with the freedom of the children of God”.

Turning then to consider the question of public opinion, Benedict XVI highlighted how “we have a great need of information, knowledge about the truth of the world; but there is a power of appearance which in the end counts even more than reality itself”. Appearance “overlies the truth and becomes more important. Man no longer pursues the truth but wants above all to appear”. Here too “there is a Christian non conformism. … We want not appearance but truth, and this will give us true freedom”.

“Christian non conformism redeems us and restores us to truth. Let us pray to the Lord that He may help us to be free in this non conformism, which is not against the world but is authentic love for the world”.

Happy St. Valentine’s Day

Happy St. Valentine’s Day. I was able to attend Mass today at the National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows in Belleville, IL. My wife, Cindy, and I are traveling once again for work. She’s attending a client event today, then we head to Louisville, KY for the National Farm Machinery Show. We’ll probably get to have a romantic dinner in the St. Louis airport this afternoon. Doesn’t that sound exciting? But we don’t mind because it’s being with each other that’s important. It’s our 36th St. Valentine’s Day together too.

I love the stories about St. Valentine and the origins of this day. My favorite is one that our Pastor told during Mass yesterday morning back home. Here it is from the History Channel website:

The Catholic Church recognizes at least three different saints named Valentine or Valentinus, all of whom were martyred. One legend contends that Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young men. Valentine, realizing the injustice of the decree, defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. When Valentine’s actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death.

Spanish Mass at Holy Cross

Last week I attended Mass at Holy Cross Catholic Church in Orlando. I got in just in time for the noon Mass in spanish. It was standing room only. This picture is before it really got crowded. By the time Mass started there were people standing outside who couldn’t get it! It’s not a small church either.

I assume this is a healthy sign. There was a lot more hand clapping, laughing, hand waving and hugging than I care for but I guess that’s the cultural difference between these folks and what I grew up with. The Mass is still the Mass and Jesus is there just the same. I never became fluent in Spanish but that doesn’t mean I didn’t understand what was going on as it relates to the different parts of the Mass and the prayers that were being said.

March for Life Time

It’s time again for the March for Life. This will be the 39th time this event has been held in the nation’s Capitol. Wouldn’t it be great if we didn’t need to do it again?

Unfortunately, I don’t have that expectation. The culture of life is not alive and well enough in this country, but we should never give up hope. I really believe we need to continue to change hearts and minds. Then maybe the laws will change. Maybe people will give up the ridiculous idea that having an abortion or using contraception is just a “health choice.”

Last week our so very mis-guided Washington administration basically re-affirmed a rule that would require health insurers to “provide preventive health services.” Convenient way of saying abortion and contraception. I really think they use these words to cover their shame as much as try to hide the truth from people.

So, let’s keep praying for the unborn and those who never even have a chance to be conceived. And those who support the atrocity of taking innocent human life.

Find A Patron Saint

Chelsea pointed me to the Saint’s Name Generator created by Jennifer Fulwiler. If you don’t have a patron saint or would like to find a new one for the year then give it a try. I did and found St. Conrad of Piacenza. He is a patron saint against hernias. This seemed appropriate in light of the fact that we’re planning to move back to Florida this year and I’m betting there will be some heavy lifting.

If you don’t have a patron saint or haven’t ever studied the lives of saints I highly recommend it. Saints are part of the rich history of our Church and can not only be an inspiration but extremely helpful if you ask for their prayers. I feel very blessed to have a number of patron saints that include St. Charles Borromeo, St. Albert the Great, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Josemaria Escriva and others. Now I have St. Conrad of Piacenza too!

Looking for Houses in Florida

Hello from Perdido Key, FL. Our family came down to a beach condo late in December and enjoyed Christmas and New Year’s here. After two of our daughters went back to Missouri, Cindy, daughter Chelsea and I stayed here. We’re going back at the end of the month. Now before you think we’re just laying on the beach, we have a good reason. We’ve been house hunting as we hope to relocate to Florida. In fact, we’ve got an offer in on a house right now and are saying our prayers it will be accepted.

While down here we’ve attended Mass at several churches. Yesterday morning we attended Mass at St. Mary’s, pictured here. It’s the only church near us that has a Saturday morning Mass. It’s also one of two churches near where we hope to live.

Florida is my home state and where Cindy grew up. We’ve wanted to make this move for years but waited until our daughters were finished with college. Actually, our middle daughter still has a couple years of grad school in St. Louis to get her doctorate in Physical Therapy. So, our path to holiness may be taking us to Florida soon. I’m thinking positively anyway.

Christmas Greeting From St. Josemaria Institute

Here’s a Christmas greeting from the St. Josemaria Institute:

“God is here.”

“This day shall light shine upon us; for the Lord is born to us.” (Is 9:2) “This is the great announcement which moves Christians today. Through them it is addressed to all mankind. God is here. This truth should fill our lives, and every Christmas should be for us a new and special meeting with God, when we allow his light and grace to enter deep into our soul.”

‘Iesus Christus, Deus homo: Jesus Christ, God-man. This is one of “the mighty works of God,” (Acts 2:11) which we should reflect upon and thank him for. He has come to bring “peace on earth to men of good will,” (Lk 2:14) to all men who want to unite their wills to the holy will of God—not just the rich, not just the poor, but everyone…’

St. Josemaria Escriva
“Christ Triumphs through Humility”
Christ is Passing By, 12-13

Click here for the complete text of “Christ Triumphs through Humility”, a homily by St. Josemaria Escriva given on Christmas Eve, 1963.

Total Consecration Time

I just completed my annual Total Consecration to Jesus Through Mary and thought I’d suggest once again that you consider it for yourself. This 33 day effort is well worth your time, especially if you’re looking for a good series of meditations that let you focus on what’s important.

The preparation for consecration booklet is currently available for $5 from Montfort Publishing. I would recommend you first read “True Devotion To The Blessed Virgin Mary.” You can also find these in the iPieta app for iOS or Android smartphones.

I’ve been using this “spiritual journey” for quite a few years and have come to look forward to it. The 33 days of preparation are broken up into series of reflections on your self, Mary and Jesus. We should all be doing daily meditation, especially with a particular examen. However, several weeks of extra contemplation time are really useful in our fast paced world. I also have been able to start out this devotion each year deer hunting. So I’ve been able to do the daily readings, prayers and reflections while sitting in a tree or on the ground in the woods. It just doesn’t get much better than that!

Feel free to email me if you’ve got questions about this devotion.

Welcome To New Mass Translations

As my spiritual director said on Friday of the new Mass translations that go into effect today, “I can’t wait!” I have my new Daily Roman Missal and I’m ready.

One of our local Catholic school principals made up a printable sheet with the new responses for students attending weekday Mass. You can open it by clicking on the image (pdf) or with this link (pdf) or this one (.doc).

Feel free to open and print if you’d like.

Fall Deer Hunt

I love this time of year. Hunting season. After a great pheasant hunt a few weeks ago, I got back this week from what probably is my last deer hunt in Missouri. The property that I’ve hunted on for 20 years is up for sale after the owner passed away earlier this year. It may not sell soon at the price they’re asking but it’s kind of hard to plan on a hunt when you don’t know who will own your location.

My former business partner from Florida and friend along with my brother from Georgia and two of his sons hunted with me again this year. My nephew/Godson Luke was the main deer slayer with a massive ten pt. buck and a couple of does. I got an eight pt. and a doe. It was a wonderful time to get some outdoor exercise and just get away from “things.” I love sitting in the woods, saying my rosary or other prayers and just having some very quiet time with our Lord. That’s the best part!

New Daily Roman Missal

Only a week until we start the new Mass translation from the 3rd edition of the Roman Missal! Are you ready? If not, get on the horn to Scepter Publishers and order your Daily Roman Missal. I have mine and look forward to using it next week.

The new Daily Roman Missal (according to the Roman Missal, Third Edition with the new English translation that goes into effect Advent 2011) includes prayers and readings to all Sunday and daily Masses in one volume. It also includes Masses for the Dead, and many Ritual, Votive and other Masses. It is a complete source for following the Mass, and reflecting on its profound beauty and grace. Available in hardbound—the Daily Roman Missal is an ideal size to carry, at just 4.75″ x 6.75,” it easily fits in a briefcase, backpack, or carry-on when traveling.

Pheasant Hunting in South Dakota

This past weekend I got to go on an annual pheasant hunt in central South Dakota.

On the way a couple of us stopped for the night in Sioux City, IA. That gave me a chance to attend a weekday Mass at Sacred Heart Church.

After Mass they had Exposition. It is always nice to spend a little extra time in prayer with our Lord this way!

From there we proceeded to a farm near Highmore, SD.

Here’s a picture of our group after a lot of walking to find pheasants. We all got our limits and it was a great time for fellowship and fun.

On Sunday morning I took five of us to Mass at St. John’s in Harrold, SD. It’s a nice little country church. They had a 9am Mass which allowed us to get started on a day of walking the fields just shortly after starting time. I hope to get to do it again.

You can find photos from our hunt here.

Visiting Family in Georgia

I love going to Georgia for work. It gives me the opportunity to see some of my family. My brother and his family live east of Atlanta as do my parents. He and his wife took off for a night while I was there. So I got to spend time with this group of nieces and nephews. We cooked hamburgers on the grill and went to see a movie together. We saw The Big Year btw. I really hoped it would turn out to be okay for all of them to watch and it was. It is not at all what I expected out of a Steve Martin, Jack Black, Owen Wilson movie. The soundtrack was awesome and if you like birds this is a must see movie. That’s all I’ll say about that.

I was in Georgia to attend the Sunbelt Ag Expo, doing some work for one of my clients, New Holland. You can see some of the interviews and other multimedia content I produced on the New Holland Boomer 555 Contest blog. This is a special promotion that’s being driven by social media and my company is handling it for New Holland.

I’ll be back on the road this week. It’s pheasant hunting time! I’ll be heading to South Dakota for an annual trip with some of my friends and clients. I will definitely have photos to share later.

If you want to become friends on Facebook you can find me here.