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Chuck – March 9th, 2013
Let’s look at some ways to follow legitimate news about the selection of our new Pope. I say legitimate because there is so much speculation and supposed news reporting that just shows a world out of touch with faith and especially the Catholic faith. I’m sure the Cardinals really appreciate media stars telling them what they need to consider when making this very important decision, not! We’re seeing it all from advice on how we should have a Pope who is a better business man to a Pope who needs to be more liberal. No where do you see these news stories talk about the need to pray for our Cardinals, that God does watch over His Church, that we need not be afraid and that we need to let our faith guide us during this time.

Okay, so how do we follow what is happening in Rome? How about starting with the Vatican News? They are about as close to the action as you can get. And they will have special coverage of the conclave.
Here’s a Vatican Radio report on what will happen this coming Tuesday: Vatican Radio Report
Then there’s the Pope App. Get it for your iOS or Android device. How’s this for transparency?
An app focused on the figure of the Pope. It will allow you to follow his events live and to set up alerts notifying you when papal events begin.
It will also give you access to all official papal-related content in a variety of formats: news and official speeches, galleries with the latest images and videos, access to his calendar, and links to other services of the Holy See.
Additionally, the app will let you see key areas of the Vatican through webcams distributed throughout St. Peter’s Square that are always broadcasting images.
You can also follow Vatican News on Twitter @NewsVa_En, Facebook, YouTube and Flickr.
And there is a Vatican Radio app for your iOS or Android devices.
And of course there’s always L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO and EWTN.
There are so many ways to get better information than you’ll find in the media of today. Now you know what I’ll be following.