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Lunch with Bishop Wack

Lunch with the BishopCindy and I had Lunch with the Bishop yesterday. That is with our Bishop, Most Reverend William A. Wack, CSC. This annual event provides a great opportunity to raise funds for Catholic Charities of Northwest Florida. We can make a donation while also having a very good lunch catered locally by Classic City Catering.

You can provide your support easily and online. CCNF provides a variety of services which includes pregnancy and adoption services.

Catholic Charities of Northwest Florida serves, empowers, and advocates for impoverished and vulnerable families and individuals of any race, religion or national origin across the Florida Panhandle.

We are a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) charitable organization that helps to rebuild lives, each and every day.

We proudly carry out the social mission of the Catholic Church throughout 18 counties in the Florida Panhandle.

Council 8589 Concludes Record Baby Bottle Drive

KofC Baby Bottle DriveIt has been a challenging year for many non-profits as inflation has taken made it difficult for people to continue regular donations. My Knights council did a great job though in collecting donations for our support for life.

Knights of Columbus council 8589, Basilica of St. Michael the Archangel, raised a record $5721.41 in the annual Baby Bottle Drive this year. The Council presented a check to the Alpha Center, a pregnancy support service offering alternatives to abortion. Pictured is Fr. Joe Fowler, Rector and Pastor and left to right, Chuck Zimmerman, Council Lecturer/Program Director, Mary Thomas, Alpha Center and Mark Fanfalone, Council Financial Secretary.

The Merida Foundation

Here’s a charitable organization we support that I thought I’d bring to your attention. It’s the Merida Foundation. At Mass this morning Rudy gave me their current update letter to save postage. That shows you how committed they are to using donations carefully! Rudy and Dorothy just got back from a trip to Mexico and had a good trip with Fr. Fred Elskamp, who has been a Pastor at our church. They make about 3 trips a year and bring about 1,200 pairs of eye glasses with them to distribute to the poor with vision problems. That’s just part of the good work they’re doing. Here’s a description:

The Merida Foundation is a charitable corporation originally founded and funded by Dorothy and Rudy Lemke in December 2003 to benefit the descendants of the ancient Mayan people of Mexican’s Yucatan Peninsula. Since 1982, now retired optician, Dorothy Lemke has been providing eye glasses to the poor, visually impaired people in the rural villages surrounding the city of Merida.

Since its inception, the Merida Foundation has also funded nutrition projects for undernourished school children in the region. Today, the foundation is feeding approximately 350 hungry children at six nutrition sites.

Here’s where you can find information about making a donation.