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Monthly Circle Meeting

Cooperators CircleThe mid-Missouri Cooperators of Opus Dei got together yesterday for our monthly Circle meeting. It’s a time to listen to some spiritual reading, a meditation on our faith, conduct an examination of conscience and have time for fellowship.

The presenter for us was Nate Tyson, who is a super-numerary of Opus Dei. To learn what that means and a little more about Opus Dei I interviewed Nate after our meeting. Nate talks about the structure of what we call “The Work,” how people get involved to support the apostalate and how he learned about it personally.

You can listen to my interview with Nate here: Listen To MP3 Nate Tyson Interview (9 min MP3)

Cardinal Sean Blog

Cardinal Sean O'MalleyIt looks like Cardinal Sean O’Malley is joining the blogging ranks. At least he’s going to blog his trip to Rome and depending on how that goes he might make it an on-going project. Let him know what you think! Here’s what the site says:

Cardinal Seán returns to Rome, as a newly elevated Cardinal, to celebrate the noted Padre Pio Mass, attend to Archdiocesan business and to formally accept Boston’s Titular Church, Santa Maria della Vittoria…

“I want to share with you, Catholics of Boston, my experiences as I return to Rome as a Cardinal and more importantly, I want to share with you a sense of what it is that Boston’s Archbishop does on business in Rome representing the people of the Archdiocese.”
– Cardinal Seán

Wespine Study Center Website

Wespine Study CenterI talked with Justin at the Wespine Study Center in St. Louis today and found out that they’ve got a website now!

You can find Wespine online. That rhymes.

Wespine Study Center sponsors educational programs emphasizing character development, leadership and service for men of all ages. Its activities reach primarily to the metropolitan St. Louis area but also extend to nearby cities including St. Charles, Columbia, Jefferson City, Kansas City, Omaha (NE), Springfield (IL), and Memphis and Nashville (TN).

What The Pope Said

There’s certainly a lot of erroneous information floating around the media over a statement that Pope Benedict made recently. I think the main confusion is not only over what he said that has irritated the militant Islamic folks who I don’t think speak for their people but more over what he said in terms of an apology. The Pope didn’t apologize for what he said and there’s no need for him too. The media and these hate mongerers have taken things very out of context for their own personal reasons/gain.

Here’s what the Pope did say prior to the Angelus in Rome on Sunday:

“At this time, I wish also to add that I am deeply sorry for the reactions in some countries to a few passages of my address at the University of Regensburg, which were considered offensive to the sensibility of Muslims. These in fact were a quotation from a medieval text, which do not in any way express my personal thought.

“Yesterday, the Cardinal Secretary of State published a statement in this regard in which he explained the true meaning of my words. I hope that this serves to appease hearts and to clarify the true meaning of my address, which in its totality was and is an invitation to frank and sincere dialogue, with great mutual respect.”

I don’t think he can be any more clear.

St. Joan of Arc In Lisle, Illinois

St. Joan of Ark Church-Lisle IllinoisWhen I was in Chicago recently I attended Mass at St. Joan of Arc church in Lisle.

It looks like a brand new church and although I kind of like a more traditional backdrop to the altar they had this stained glass window.

The picture doesn’t do it justice. It is beautiful and something that makes spending time meditating near the Blessed Sacrament more enjoyable.

5 Rings

5 Miraculous Medal RingsI think this is a very cool picture. It’s my family all showing their Miraculous Medal rings.

My wife, 3 daughters and myself all have the same rings to show our devotion to Mary, the Mother of God.

I’m proud of all of them for being open and public in their faith.

Spending Time With Mary

Cathedral of St. Joseph Mary GrottoI got to my Knights of Columbus council meeting too late to get inside since they had already started our First Degree exemplification so it gave me a chance to spend a few quiet moments in our Mary grotto.

This is behind the Cathedral of St. Joseph in Jefferson City, MO and down the hill. It was late afternoon and absolutely beautiful out. I can’t think of a more peaceful way to spend some quiet time than with our Lady!

50 Years of Opus Dei in St. Louis

Archbishop Raymond Burke Coat of ArmsI wasn’t able to attend the “SOLEMN MASS OF SAINT JOSEMARÍA
GIVING THANKS FOR 50 YEARS OF THE APOSTOLATE OF OPUS DEI IN ST. LOUIS, CATHEDRAL BASILICA OF SAINT LOUIS, ST. LOUIS, JUNE 19, 2006” but I did find the text to Archbishop Raymond Burke’s Homily at the Mass.

You can find it here.

The homily closes with this:

Thanking God for fifty years of the apostolate of Opus Dei in the Archdiocese of Saint Louis, we ask God to bless the members of Opus Dei, that they may be faithful to the gift of the Holy Spirit give to Saint Josemaría. In our gratitude to God, let us now go with the Mother of God, and at her bidding, to the Foot of the Cross. Let us unite our doubting, fearful and hesitant hearts with her Immaculate Heart, placing our hearts into the pierced Heart of Jesus, drawing from His glorious Sacred Heart the grace of the Holy Spirit for the conversion of our lives and the transformation of our world. Following the instruction and imitating the life of Saint Josemaría, let us “[a]ll, with Peter, go to Jesus through Mary.”

St. Josemaria Institute Launched

St. Josemaria InstituteA 28 minute film titled, “Passionately Loving the World: Ordinary Americans Living the Spirituality of St. Josemaria” was premiered to launch the St. Josemaria Institute. You can obtain copies of the documentary on the website.

The premier was held in the Lighthouse Audutorium of Manhattan in New York City.

The Institute has a variety of resources for those wishing to learn more about St. Josemaria Escriva and conducts seminars and other activities.

Begin Again In St. Louis

Begin AgainA special dinner will be held in St. Louis for anyone who would like to “Find God in Daily Life and Raise Catholic Families.” It will be held on Friday, October 13 in the St.

Charles Convention Center, Plaza Ballroom. Doors will open at 6:30pm with the program beginning at 7pm.

The introduction will be given by Fr. Peter Armenio, Vicar of Opus Dei in the Midwest. The keynote speakers are Dr. Scott Hahn and Kimberly Hahn.

Tickets are $40/person prior to Sept. 15, $50/person after. Reservation deadline is October 6. You can register online at

Norwegian Cathedral Story

Norwegian Cultural PresentationI just returned from a business trip to Hamar, Norway. While there we got to visit the remains of the Cathedral that was destroyed during the reformation.

I recorded the whole presentation which includes the telling of the story of the Cathedral and some folk music. It’s over a half hour long but fascinating.

Listen to the story of the Hamar Cathedral here: Listen To MP3 Story of Hamar Cathedral (35 min MP3)

Still Travelling Around

Little Flower ChurchI’ve been on a posting drought here over the last month or so. My blogging travel schedule has been unbelievable. But I have been keeping up with Mass as often as possible like the Little Flower Church in Reno, NV.

I’m back on the road this week and hoping to find time to post here. There’s a lot I’d like to post but only so much time in a day. I’m not giving up on it.

St. George Church in Tinley Park

St. George ChurchSunday Mass today was in St. George Church in Tinley Park, IL.

We’ll be here for one more night before moving on in the morning.

I have no idea where I’ll be for Mass next.

Mass In Laramie, WY

St. Lawrence O'TooleTravelling eastward I got to attend a weekday Mass at St. Lawrence O’Toole in Laramie, WY.

Not being able to make a daily Mass has made me realize how blessed we are when we do have the opportunity to make it to Mass each day.

I haven’t experienced so many days without Mass in many years and I miss it a lot.

Cathedral of the Madeleine

Cathedral of the MadeleineRight after going to Nashville I took off for a cross country trip to celebrate the interstate highway system’s 50 year anniversary. I’m in a convoy and we’re making daily treks with multiple stops and press conferences. It’s made it difficult to make it to a daily Mass.

However, I have made it to Mass a few times. Here’s the Cathedral of the Madeleine in Salt Lake City, UT.

It’s a very traditional design and a historic landmark.