50 Years of Opus Dei in St. Louis
I wasn’t able to attend the “SOLEMN MASS OF SAINT JOSEMARÍA
GIVING THANKS FOR 50 YEARS OF THE APOSTOLATE OF OPUS DEI IN ST. LOUIS, CATHEDRAL BASILICA OF SAINT LOUIS, ST. LOUIS, JUNE 19, 2006” but I did find the text to Archbishop Raymond Burke’s Homily at the Mass.
You can find it here.
The homily closes with this:
Thanking God for fifty years of the apostolate of Opus Dei in the Archdiocese of Saint Louis, we ask God to bless the members of Opus Dei, that they may be faithful to the gift of the Holy Spirit give to Saint Josemaría. In our gratitude to God, let us now go with the Mother of God, and at her bidding, to the Foot of the Cross. Let us unite our doubting, fearful and hesitant hearts with her Immaculate Heart, placing our hearts into the pierced Heart of Jesus, drawing from His glorious Sacred Heart the grace of the Holy Spirit for the conversion of our lives and the transformation of our world. Following the instruction and imitating the life of Saint Josemaría, let us “[a]ll, with Peter, go to Jesus through Mary.”