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Living In A Fiction Novel

Is it just me or does the news today read like a fiction novel? The stories we’re seeing are surrealistic. What kind of stories? How about the stories about the billions and billions of dollars being “given” away, right here at home, overseas, just about any where you look. No matter what source you look at it’s clear there is no money to be given away by our government. So where is it coming from? I have no idea and no one I know does either. By some estimates I’ve read, just the stimulus money can never be repaid much less items like the $500 million just announced as U.S. aid to Pakistan from a $7.5 billion package approved by Congress last year. Sounds to me like there will be 500 new millionaires in Pakistan.

Are people so far removed from personal responsibility and common sense that they can’t function without the government supplying them with money for everything? How about health care? Why should our government supply health care to anyone? Why does it become government’s responsibility?

I could make a long list of stories that defy reason but all you have to do is look at the news to see stories for yourself. From ideas like animals having rights to sue humans (they actually voted on this in Switzerland) to the idea that we should tax people for creating carbon emissions due to global warming, it seems like we’re living in a world dominated by insane people. I think the reality is we’re living in a world with a growing number of people who have no grounding in faith in God. You don’t see God and faith mentioned in news today unless it’s just to point out what church someone belongs to as a side note to a story or in a negative way like blame for something.

Besides these things it seems like people today are constantly feeling panic. Of course if you listen to the news much you’ll hear the word “crisis” applied to just about everything. We don’t have a crisis except a crisis of loss of faith. With true faith in God there is no need to worry or feel threatened by anything and that includes where your next meal is coming from or whether the Gulf of Mexico will still have fish living in it tomorrow.


I don’t think I ever did a post about the new version of iBreviary which is now iBreviaryPro. It’s another app I use almost every day. I’m finding it harder and harder to carry around and use my Liturgy of the Hours books, especially doing a lot of air travel. These apps are really helping make saying your norms easier.

The Vatican Council for Social Communications has approved an iBreviary application created by Italian priest Fr Paolo Padrini for the iPhone.

Infomobile reports it brings complete missal and principal prayers in Spanish, French, English, Latin and Italian. “That’s cool, but what really sets this application apart from all others in the AppStore is that it’s the first app with approval of the Vatican!” Infomobile says. “As with almost any iPhone app, iBreviary is easy to use, sporting iPhone like user interface. In addition, size of the characters can be increased, landscape mode is supported (using accelerometer) and much more.

Excerpt from CathNews.

iMissal iPhone App

After Mass this morning I was talking to a couple and the subject of mobile phones came up. Turns out they had been wondering why I was looking at my iPhone during Mass. As the wife put it, “I was thinking, Can’t he leave that alone during Mass?” It gave me a good chuckle but at the same time made me realize how many people aren’t aware of what new technology can do today. So I used it as a teaching moment and they were amazed.

So, here’s the app that I was using. iMissal by Cantcha, Inc. It has become one of the apps I use frequently since I go to daily Mass. It’s very solid and contains much more than just the daily readings. Here’s a full list:

Here is what is included in iMissal:

1) A complete Missal:

Liturgical Calendar: Full calendar displaying all of the liturgical seasons. The calendar is color coded based on liturgical season and shows Holy Days of Obligation, Solemnities, Major Feasts, Saints, etc. Calendar is currently available for years 1990 – 2050.

Mass Readings: All the Mass Readings for every liturgical cycle (A,B,C,I,II) are included! This includes First Reading, Psalm, Second Reading, Alleluia, and Gospel for all Sunday and Weekday Masses. Reading text is always available for every day, no WIFI connection necessary. Uses translations officially approved for Mass in the U.S. Great resource for Lectors.

Read the rest of this post…

Chelsea Lives Life On The Rock

I just had the joy of watching oldest daughter, Chelsea, appear as the guest on EWTN’s live show, Life On The Rock. It will air again on EWTN tomorrow at 1am and 1pm, eastern and again on Sunday at 11pm eastern. They did a good job of promoting her blog, Reflections of a Paralytic.

We of course recorded the show. Chelsea is a regular contributor here on Path To Holiness and her Mom and I are very proud of her. She is a very courageous young woman who has a challenging “path” to take through life and is doing so with full faith in God. During the show they talked about her auto accident that left her paralyzed, holiness, sanctity of life and stem cell research. During the program we were getting messages via Facebook from friends who were watching.

The show is archived so you will be able to watch it on your computer.

Reflecting On The Last Year

It has been a year since I was diagnosed with pneumonia and that’s made me think back on all that’s happened since. After the initial diagnosis it took a couple weeks before I wound up in the hospital where I stayed for 11 days and had multiple procedures that ended with some major chest surgery to get rid of the infection. Some time afterward one of my doctors used the term “near death experience” referring to the condition I was in before surgery. So this holiday weekend has been a good time to reflect on the experience and what it meant to me then and now.

Let’s just say that I’m glad to be alive. Every day is a wonderful opportunity to serve our Lord more. But more than that the experience taught me another lesson in patience and it has provided many opportunities to offer up some pain and suffering.

I remember hearing a number of family and friends say that maybe it meant I should “slow down” and not travel so much for work. I wondered about that and prayed for guidance on the issue. I don’t think it has been that simple. I’ve done quite a bit of travel since then but have had more periods of no required travel. One reason is that we lost a significant amount of work that required travel from one of our clients. That has meant more stay at home time but also more pressure on our cash flow. It seems like there’s always something.

I’ve found myself working harder to live a healthy lifestyle but now that I’m mostly back to normal I’m back to battling the same old temptations to eat too much and not exercise enough. Realizing that I’ve hit this one year milestone has made me re-commit to my resolutions though. It has made me think about how blessed I am to have a wonderful faith and family. My wife just had some major surgery of her own recently and now I can pay her back for her extra efforts when I wasn’t able to do much around the house!

So there you have it. A year since I didn’t think I would be here at all. But thank you Lord for allowing me more time to make amends for my sins and serve you more.

Churches In Utrecht, Netherlands

As I have often found to be the case, my guardian angel led me to Mass today. Usually when I’m in a place I don’t know and I’m about to give up finding a church, it’s then that I suddenly come across it.

Today that’s in Utrecht, Netherlands where I’m attending a dairy conference that starts tomorrow. I had some free time before my first dinner this evening so I got some very approximate directions to a church. It turned out to be St. Augustine’s and I arrived while Mass was in progress which started at 12:30pm.

As I was leaving I met one of the priests who celebrated Mass. He pointed me toward the St. Catherine’s Cathedral which proved to be a really nice walk along the riverwalk that goes through town. I first stopped at St. Martin’s Cathedral (or Dom Church) thinking I was there but it turned out to be the original Catholic cathedral which was taken over by protestants.

I like to find a statue or image of our Blessed Mother in each country I visit so I was looking for a gift shop. At St. Catherine’s I was directed back to St. Martin’s where they have a nice little shop. Interestingly, since it is now protestant they had quite a few images and statues of Mary and I purchased one. They also sell rosaries and holy water founts. I guess they get a lot of Catholic visitors.

So, it has been another interesting day and another opportunity to visit our Lord in His Blessed Sacrament!

Cindy adds: Reminds me of a Dan Fogelberg song “Netherlands”

Off in the Netherlands
I heard a sound
Like the beating of heavenly wings
And deep in my brain
I can hear a refrain
Of my soul as she rises and sings
Anthems to glory and
Anthems to love and
Hymns filled with early delight
Like the songs that the darkness
Composes to worship the light.

Marian Year in Opus Dei

Opus DeiThe latest in an ongoing series from Opus Dei about the life of Mary was just published on their website.

Life of Mary (V): The Annunciation

The fifth reflection on our Lady’s life during this Marian Year in Opus Dei. This month we consider the Archangel Gabriel’s Annunciation to Mary, and Christ’s entry into the world.

Fr. Phil DeRea And IRL Ministry

Fr. Phil DeReaOn Father’s Day I really enjoyed myself working at the Iowa Corn Indy 250 in Newton, IA. Of course I missed being with my family but I did get home at a reasonable time in the evening.

Once again IRL Ministry took care of us spiritually. Fr. Phil DeRea celebrated Mass in the Driver’s Mtg. Room at the Media Center. One of the drivers, Helio Castroneves, attended along with team members, media and other people involved in race day activities.

As a special treat, Fr. DeRea brought a number of rosaries to give away. He was in Rome on the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and had them blessed by Pope Benedict. I was lucky to receive one.

After Mass I spoke with Fr. DeRea. He says that Father’s Day is an emotional day, especially when you think of the wonderful memories of our fathers. He calls IRL Ministry a “Parish on wheels.” He, along with another minister, provide Mass and church services at races around the country. He also performs other services like weddings and baptisms. He says IRL Ministry has permission from the Vatican through Pastoral Care For People On The Move.

You can listen to my interview with Fr. DeRea here: Fr. DeRea Interview

IRL Ministry is a 501c3 not-for-profit, non-denominational organization, which was developed to help the racing community. We exist because of the donations we receive from the racing community and great partners that join with us to reach out to the people that are part of this great sport. Our financial records are available for review by contacting our office. We desire to be good stewards of the blessings we are given.

I uploaded quite a few photos from the race which you can find here: Iowa Corn Indy 250 Photo Album.

Happy Father’s Day

Iowa Corn Indy 250Well it’s not quite Father’s Day but I thought I’d make sure I mentioned it.

This father will be doing some “work” at the Iowa Corn Indy 250 on Sunday. Fortunately, IRL Ministry makes sure we’ll have a Mass here in the Driver’s Room at 10:30am. I’ll be there since I’ve got to attend a photographer’s mtg. at 8am.

So, I’ll get more active after this weekend. I’ve been road blogging most of the last 2 weeks (7 events, 7 cities, 7 states). You can check out my photos from this event here: Iowa Corn Indy 250 Photo Album

iPhone 4 Ultrasound Ad

Thanks to Chelsea for the heads up about the new iPhone 4 and especially the Facetime application. Apple has been pretty good about keeping apps out of their store that contain pornographic content. But keep in mind that it does have a full web browser.

Apple has a very cute, family centered ad for its new iPhone, complete with a pregnant woman sharing her baby’s ultrasound image with her husband serving overseas. Click the screen shot above to watch.

Speaking of Apple, check out the Pampers “Hello Baby” iPad app if you haven’t seen it already:

St. Pius X Catholic Church

The next couple of days I’ll be in Atlanta but this morning I got to attend Mass at St. Pius X in Conyers, GA with my parents. It was a beautiful Mass with a young priest on his first assignment. Here’s the welcome message from the Pastor.

Dear Friend,

I thank God that you are here. The parish community and I want to embrace you into our faith family. We invite you to come to our next New Parishioner Orientation and registration held on the third Sunday of the month at 9:45 AM – following the 8:30AM Mass. There you will meet some parish leaders and get acquainted with other new parishioners.

St. Pius is a vibrant parish offering many opportunities to “serve” for Christ and build the kingdom of God. We urge all parishioners to “share” their giftedness and be “active” participants.

I offer you my priestly services and invite you to call on me as needed.

Again, welcome in the love of Christ,

Father John C. Kieran, Pastor

iPadre iPhone App

I came across the iPadre iPhone app while looking into the 3rd Annual Catholic New Media Celebration. So let’s make this the next iPhone app to bring to your attention.

First check out iPadre Catholic Podcasting with Fr. Jay Finelli.

Father Jay Finelli is a priest of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Providence in the state of Rhode Island. He began building web pages in 1995 and started podcasting in September of 2005. This is a great new means of evangelization. Pope John Paul II said that we are in need of a new evangelization. Podcasting is a small part of this new work of evangelization. All of us need to do our part in spreading the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

He’s got a blog along with other information on his website. I’ll be subscribing to some of his feeds and will let you know what I think when I get time. Feel free to leave your comment if you’re already a subscriber.

3rd Annual Catholic Media Celebration

The 3rd Annual Catholic New Media Celebration will be held near Boston, Massachusetts on August 7, 2010.

The Catholic New Media Celebration (CNMC) is an international conference which focuses on evangelization of the Roman Catholic faith using new media. It is a day to Learn, Share, and Explore how New Media can help the Catholic Church in the New Evangelization called for by Pope John Paul II.

The conference is sponsored by the Star Quest Production Network, a non-profit corporation with the goal of reaching out to the secular world in faith.

The goals of the conference are;

* To support and enhance evangelization through the use of New Media
* To provide information and support for New Media Producers
* To foster community among producers and consumers of Catholic New Media

Register here. Look at the program here.

iPieta App

There is a growing number of good Catholic apps for the iPhone and now the iPad. I’ll try to point you to them as I find them. I’ve already done posts on iBreviary, iRosary, Vatican News and the St. Josemaria app.

Today let’s look at iPieta. This is a very comprehensive app with versions for both the iPhone and iPad containing writings on Catholic teaching, Catholic calendar and a long list of prayers. You have to do a little work but you can go to their website and download audio files of many of the prayers, import into your iTunes and then it becomes available in the app so you can play them. They have asimilar but different App in Spanish which is iPieta Español.


• Bibles: Douay-Rheims, Clementine Vulgate (Catholic and public domain; note that Psalms are numbered slightly differently than some modern Bibles).
• Baltimore Catechisms #1-3; the Cat. of Christian Doctrine, the Roman Catechism, and the Cat. of St. Thomas Aq
• Both the Ordinary (Novus Ordo) and Extraordinary (Tridentine) Calendars with access to the day’s Gospel and Reading(s) from the D-R & Vulgate.
• Numerous devotions including a version of the Little Office of Our Lady, the 33-Day Total Consecration Preparation, Novenas to the Holy Spirit and to the Divine Mercy, St. Alphonsus Stations of the Cross, and the St. Bridget 1-Year and 12-Year Prayers.
• Spiritual writings by St. Louis Marie de Montfort, St. Teresa of Jesus, St. John of the Cross, St. Catherine of Siena, the Summa Theologica by St. Thomas Aquinas, the Imitation of Christ, Intro to Devout LIfe (St. Francis deS) , St. Jean-Marie Vianney, Treatise on Purgatory (St. Catherine of G), Spiritual Exercises (St. Ignatius), Sinners Guide, Haydock Biblical Commentary, Catena Aurea (St Thomas Aq). The Summa (except for the Supplement) is also in Latin.
• Papal Encyclicals
• Ecumenical Council Documents
• Scriptural passages for the Holy Rosary
• Examination of Conscience
• Saint Notes (incomplete / in progress)
• Bookmarks

A May, Month of Mary, Pilgrimage

My wife and I did a pilgrimage today to the National Shrine of Mary, Mother of the Church in Laurie, MO. It is a beautiful day for a drive and the Shrine is in great shape. There is a Mother’s Wall on which you can have your Mother’s name inscribed and they will be included in the prayers said for all Mothers. Both of our Mother’s names are on the wall.

It is my understanding that during this month of Mary a plenary indulgence can be gained by saying 5 decades of the rosary on the way, 5 decades while at the shrine and 5 decades on the way home. So that’s how we spent part of our day today. I will try to find a source to point you to for this indulgence and add it later.

A magnificent Shrine dedicated to Mary, Mother of the Church features an awe inspiring fourteen foot stainless steel sculpture of Mary, which stands in a natural amphitheatre surrounded by beautiful fountains.

The Mothers’ Wall of Life has become a great attraction of the Shrine, with the names of mothers from around the world engraved in the polished black granite. The Mothers’ Wall of Life continues to grow daily and is an everlasting tribute to all mothers.

The first engraving on the Mothers’ Wall of Life was April 1, 1999. It is a tribute to motherhood and family life, for all mother’s living or deceased, regardless of race, color or creed. There are now 37 states and 13 countries represented on the Wall, making this one of the most meaningful shrines in the country. Go into the web site and search for a loved ones name on the Wall.

In 2003, the Shrine became a National Shrine, making this the sixteenth Nation Shrine in the United States, and the only recognized National Shrine in Missouri.