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There Be Dragons – Movie on Life of St. Josemaria Escriva

There Be Dragons Press PhotoThere is a movie being made that will focus on the life of St. Josemaria Escriva called “There Be Dragons.” Not sure when/if it will actually be released. This is a press photo (by Michel Lichtenstein) they’ve released from the shooting of the movie which was done in Argentina and Spain.

Here’s a synopsis of the movie:

A young journalist long ago rejected by his now aged and dying father finds himself investigating one of his father’s former friends, a candidate for canonization. Uncovering the two men’s complicated relationship from childhood through the horrors of the Spanish Civil War unveils a compelling drama filled with passion, betrayal, love and religion. An action packed story set during a murderous time in history that ultimately serves the present by revealing the importance and timeless power of forgiveness.

In the production notes it says that the movie is, ” woven around the figure of St Josemaría Escrivá in his childhood and his early priestly works during the Republic and the Spanish Civil War.” Charlie Cox plays Josemaria.

We’ll need to keep our eye out for the release. You can also read about the movie on IMDb, the Internet Movie Database.

St. Augustine in Covington, GA

St. Augustine ChurchLast week I got to attend Mass at St. Augustine Church in Covington, GA. It’s right near my parent’s house.

I used my business trip to Moultrie, GA as an excuse to spend a couple days with family east of Atlanta. Path To Holiness contributor, Chelsea, my daughter came along. She stayed with family while I went south to the Sunbelt Ag Expo.

It was great to see my brother and his family including my Godson. But I have to say, it’s nice to be home with my wife!

U.S. Vicar of Opus Dei Guest Writes for Washington Post

Monsignor Thomas G. Bohlin, U.S. vicar of Opus Dei, is a guest panelist writer for the Washington Post blog called “On Faith.” Unfortunately you can’t subscribe to just his contributions. However, you can bookmark the link and check it regularly.

Some of his recent contributions include:

Catholic Church says, ‘Welcome home’
Jesus said, “Leave everything and follow me”
You Cannot Force People to Believe
Pope Benedict and the Pursuit of Truth

Saint of the Ordinary Website Re-designed

The website that focuses exclusively on St. Josemaria Escriva has been updated.

The new website on Opus Dei’s founder—available in eight languages—makes it possible to gain more ample knowledge of his life and his message about seeking Christ in one’s daily activities.

The contents of are organized under six major headings: the life and teachings of St. Josemaría, personal testimonies, educational and social initiatives inspired by his preaching, documents, multimedia, and current news.

Guardian Angel Cathedral

Guardian Angel Cathedral - Las VegasIn the heart of Las Vegas you will find the Guardian Angel Cathedral. This is where I’ve been attending Mass this week and will do so again this afternoon since we’ve got an early flight out tomorrow.

I know I don’t need to describe the awful things that take place here in this town. I really don’t think it’s called Sin City for nothing. But attendance at daily Mass has been impressive. It’s a great place to find shelter from the activity here and pray for those who are abandoning what they know is right.

I really don’t like coming here because of the activity that goes on. But business often requires it and you just have to be extra careful during your stay.

All you holy Guardian Angels please watch over us and pray for us.

CatholicTV iPhone App

This is cool. I installed it today:

The FREE CatholicTV App provides you with video of this day’s Mass, a daily Rosary from around the nation and the world, a brief reflection to bolster your Faith and news about what’s happening and coming up at Your Catholic Broadband Network.

Get the app at

My Daily Prayers

It’s so important to be faithful in daily prayer but it’s sure not easy to do in a busy world and work day is it? However, we have the tools starting with our own memory. I’ve tried a lot of different tactics to make sure I remember the prayers that I choose to make as regular devotions. For example, I’ve made a laminated card to remind me to dedicate each hour of the work day to somebody or something. I’ve set a daily noon alarm on my phone to remind me to say the Angelus.

Speaking of the phone, I’m using mine more and more for this purpose. For example, on my iPhone I have the iBreviary app which is great for Morning and Evening Prayer and the daily Mass Readings. Besides those prayers I also have in my Liturgy of the Hours book a number of prayer cards that I say. Today I found them all online and pasted them into a pdf that I emailed to myself so that I can save them on my phone. This will save me traveling with a large, heavy book now!

In case you’re interested in what my daily prayer are besides Morning/Evening Prayer of the Liturgy of the Hours you can download the pdf file here: My Daily Prayers

Latin Mass In Lexington

Latin Mass in Lexington, KYThis week I was in Lexington, KY and attended morning Mass at St. Peter Church.

To my surprise the 7am Mass is in traditional Latin. Here’s an iPhone photo image from Monday.

Latin Mass Ministry

St. Peter’s Parish hosts the diocesan Latin Mass Ministry. This ministry celebrates the Mass and the sacraments according to the 1962 Roman Missal, the rite of Pius V, and in accordance with the Motu Proprio of Pope John Paul II, Ecclesia Dei Adflicta.

Mass is celebrated in St. Peter Church on Sundays at 4 pm , and daily (Mondays –Saturdays) at 7 am . Confessions are available prior to mass.

Individuals of the Diocese of Lexington served through this ministry are expected to be members of a parish of the diocese, and may request the celebration of other sacraments with the permission of their local pastor.

We had a choir chanting responses and songs. You can hear what they sounded like here:

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Fortunately for me they had paperback booklets with the Mass in Latin and English so I could follow along.

Let’s Respect Life This Sunday

Respect LifeIt is Respect Life Sunday and our Associate Pastor at the Cathedral of St. Joseph, Fr. Ben Nwosu, preached a powerful sermon on the subject. He was well prepared with scriptural quotes and references to the subject.

I liked him quoting Mother Teresa of Calcutta as saying that when a couple adopts a child they are welcoming Jesus into their home but when they abort a baby they are shutting Jesus out. I don’t have the exact quote but that’s close enough.

You can see a photo of Fr. Ben after today’s Mass from my Twitter account.

Here’s part of the statement on Respect Life Sunday (pdf) by Cardinal Justin Rigali:

Respect Life Sunday, this year celebrated on October 4th is a day set aside for Catholics in the United States to reflect with gratitude on God’s priceless gift of human life. It is also an occasion to examine how well we, as a nation and individually, are living up to our obligation to protect the rights of those who, due to age, dependency, poverty or other circumstances, are at risk of their very lives.

In the current debate over health care reform, it has become evident that a number of Americans believe that the lives and health of only some people are worth safeguarding, while other classes of people are viewed as not deserving the same protection. Such an attitude is deplorable, all the more so in the context of health care. Sanctioning discrimination in the quality of care given to different groups of people has no place in medicine, and directly contravenes the ethical norms under which Catholic hospitals and health care providers operate.

Unborn children remain the persons whose lives are most at risk in America: Over one million children each year die in abortion facilities. The Roe v. Wade decision in 1973 rendered states powerless to halt this killing. Thankfully Congress and most states acted to prevent public funding of abortions (with narrowly defined exceptions). Yet despite the opposition of 67% of Americans to taxpayer-funded abortion, all current health care proposals being considered by Congress would allow or mandate abortion funding, either through premiums paid into government programs or out of federal revenues.

Twitter Founder Graduate of Catholic School

Twitter creator and co-founder Jack Dorsey is from St. Louis where he graduated from Bishop DuBourg High School according to an article in the St. Louis Review magazine.

Proud parents Tim and Marcia Dorsey, members of the Cathedral Parish in St. Louis, said they never expected their son would go on to create something as big as Twitter — which unconfirmed news reports currently value at about $1 billion. The Dorseys also have two other sons, Dan and Andrew.

Asked if they credited Jack’s Catholic education (he also attended St. Dominic Savio Grade School in Affton for a short time) to his success, Marcia Dorsey said, “sure, in a lot of ways … he was always involved in speech meets, those type of things were always his cup of tea. And Catholic schools were very good at offering that.”

You can follow the Archdiocese of St. Louis on Twitter here.

St. Francis Pray For Us

St. Francis of AssisiToday would normally be the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, my confirmation saint.

But it’s a Sunday, the 27th Sunday of Ordinary Time to be precise.

This is my statue of St. Francis that watches over my house and yard. So today I ask him to pray for me and my family and everyone.

You probably know that he’s the patron saint of, animals, Catholic Action, environment, merchants, Meycauayan, Italy, Brgy. San Francisco, San Pablo City, Philippines and stowaways.

That’s according to Wikipedia. You can also read more about him here.

Support For Abortion Declining

Support for abortion in America is slipping according to new information out from the PEW Research Center. Well, it’s about time. When will Americans wake up to the reality of this terrible evil and do what they know is right and that’s protect all life, including the unborn?

Polls conducted in 2009 have found fewer Americans expressing support for abortion than in previous years. In Pew Research Center polls in 2007 and 2008, supporters for legal abortion clearly outnumbered opponents; now Americans are evenly divided on the question, and there have been modest increases in the numbers who favor reducing abortions or making them harder to obtain. Less support for abortion is evident among most demographic and political groups.

Here’s an unbelievable finding in their research though. How can this be?

The poll finds that four-in-ten Americans are unaware of Obama’s position on the abortion issue.