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Let Senator Talent Know How You Feel

Really behind on posting again.

I’m going to figure out a way to change this since I’ve been trying to blog here like I do on my professional sites. So here’s the new idea. I’ll post daily and they’ll be short, but still include links to timely items of interest (hopefully).

For example, I’ve been wanting to write about the current situation with our MO Senator, Jim Talent. He’s always been so very outspoken about his prolife beliefs and until just recently has exhibited that in his offices. However, he just removed his name as a co-sponsor of a Senate bill to ban cloning. His reasons are not good and I don’t see how he can spin his way out of this one. I believe he even mentioned the need to “compromise.” There’s never a need to compromise about life in my opinion. I’m highly disappointed in him and the next thing I’m going to do when I finish here is write him a letter to let him know how I feel. I hope you will too.

You can do so here.