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Goodbye To Derry Brownfield

Derry BrownfieldA week ago this morning I got notice that a good friend of mine, Derry Brownfield, had passed away. It was a shock to say the least. My life has been made better by knowing him. Here’s a link to my work blog post that I did when the call came in. I worked with Derry and traveled a lot of miles with him during that time. We spent a lot of time together on those trips, at his cabin, riding fence and checking cows.

This week Cindy and I attended his funeral and then went to the Bury Derry Day Party with his family and friends. He always talked about that day with that name btw. We laughed, cried and drank too much scotch. And I’m glad for that opportunity. He has a great family too. And speaking of family, I felt like part of his family. I heard a number of people who thought of him as a mentor or even father figure. I am in that group. He had a BIG family!

At this funeral, Bob Priddy, Missourinet, did the eulogy which is a wonderful recollection of his life and I’m sharing it here since it was recorded.

So, I’ll say goodbye now to you Derry. You’re always going to be in my prayers. I hope to see you on a happy trail someday.

Happy Thanksgiving Day

The Zimmerman family had a wonderful Thanksgiving day and meal. I can tell you that what I’m most thankful for is my faith and my family. All the rest is just “stuff.”

Speaking of stuff. I am still stuffed. We are so blessed in this country to have so much. I heard on the radio this morning that people were lined up in the freezing cold 12 deep at local retail outlets to get Black Friday savings. I can’t do that and just plain won’t.

Let’s hope that as we prepare for the Christmas season people remember why we celebrate.

“Opus Dei Makes Me a Better Mum”

Opus DeiRosemary Keenan writes in the UK Times Online:

What sets Opus Dei apart from the fickleness of the world is the ‘unity of life’ that members try to lead. “This is the real you, the person you are behind closed doors,” I often say to my children, “not the public image you portray when you’re outside with your friends.”

Likewise, living ‘unity of life’ is the essence of being a member of Opus Dei and why I love it so much. “May your behaviour and your conversation be such that everyone who sees or hears you can say: This man reads the life of Jesus Christ,” writes St Josemaria in “The Way” – which just about sums it up. Living unity of life means remembering to be thankful for every minute of each day whatever the set-backs, instead of partitioning the day into times to please God and reserving the rest for ourselves. It’s about avoiding the stumbling block of becoming a “Sunday Catholic” who steps out of church feeling elated only to go weak with impatience at the sight of the car being blocked in or your husband blaming you for something that has gone wrong.

Read the whole article!

The “Tebow Ad”, Parts 1 and 2

In case you missed them. Here’s the first Focus on the Family that aired during the Super Bowl pre-game show – very classy:

And here is the ad that aired during the first quarter of the game. LOL, think N.O.W. will start complaining that the ad promotes violence against women? Well done!:

Both ads are also available on the Focus on the Family website, which features a more in-depth interview with Tim’s parents Bob and Pam and their choice for life.

You can read my final thoughts on the “controversial” commercial over at Reflections of a Paralytic.

Merry Mid Missouri Christmas

midnight-Mass-pathAlthough a blizzard was forecast, it didn’t happen here and we made it to midnight Mass at the Cathedral. It was a beautiful Mass and best way to celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ that I know of.

zimmerman-christmas-09Of course family is also a very important part of Christmas and our daughters were home to go to Mass with us. After Mass we went up in front of the tabernacle for photos.

Then it was home for unwrapping presents and a very early breakfast before taking a long nap. I’m pretty sure I’ll be taking another one today too.

We all went on a great vacation this past week to Panama City Beach and on the way back visited my brother, Mark’s family. He and his wife have a beautiful baby boy we got to see for the first time. Of course we shot video and pictures like this clip of him with Carly’s iPhone.

So, it’s a beautiful day in mid Missouri. The snow finally got here so we’ve got a white Christmas. Merry Christmas to you and your families.

Thanksgiving Day

carly-kitchenIt is a a great day to give thanks for so many things I wouldn’t even know where to start. Although having my daughters at home to help cook a traditional meal is on the list. This is my daughter Carly getting started.

So after a nice morning Mass at the Cathedral we’re all cooking and talking. I’ve got a turkey breast on the smoker and wishing it wasn’t so windy out.

We’ve got one daughter whose boyfriend will be here for dinner and then she has to go to his house for the same. I would definitely need a break.

So, I’m very thankful for my family and my life and my faith.

Father and Family

My DadLast Sunday was Father’s Day but I couldn’t visit my Dad. However, my brother did and delivered a present from us kids (new GPS). So I got a photo during the week.

I’m very proud of my father and wanted to take this opportunity to say so. He has helped shape me into the person I am today more than he’ll ever know. I’m sure there have been plenty of times when I didn’t want to admit it too. I love him and miss getting to see him although my job has allowed me to visit at least once a year usually. Hopefully I’ll get to do so again later this year since my wife and I got to visit in April.

Me and my girlsSo, speaking of Father’s Day. Here’s me with my three daughters. They were all here for supper and we had a good time.

Like with my Dad, I don’t say how much I love them often enough. I’m very proud of them. Of course, you’ve met Chelsea since she writes here with me. My other daughters Carly and Caitlin are wonderful young women too who are pursuing career ideas right now of their own.

BTW. Chelsea is off to Catholic Familyland for their Family Fest right now where she’ll be speaking. You can follow her on Twitter and her blog.