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Cathedral of the Assumption

Cathedral of the AssumptionWhile I was in Louisville, KY last week I got to attend Mass at the Cathedral of the Assumption.

This is a beautiful Church although they only had chairs inside and a whole section didn’t have kneelers.

Maybe they’re getting new pews?

This road tripping sure allows me an opportunity to see some great churches.

Cathedral of the AssumptionThis one is on the national register of historic places.

They have a wonderful organ and I guess a good choir too.

You can listen to the “Cantate Domino” by the Cathedral Choir using this link.

Holy Ghost Church in Denver

Holy Ghost ChurchHere’s where I got to attend daily Mass this week while I was in Denver attending the Cattle Industry Summer Conference. It’s Holy Ghost Church and is being run by the Oblates of the Virgin Mary.

It’s in the shadow of a big office building off 19th street and about a 10 minute walk from the hotel I was staying in. After Mass they have exposition of the Blessed Sacrament with the rosary led by the priest who is on his knees in front of the Altar. Very nice. I wish more churches would do this. It’s only about 20 minutes but time well spent.

Help Out Mass Times

MasstimesI use Mass Times frequently when I’m traveling. It’s always been a great tool. I can’t imagine how they keep it up to date. Just this morning I was using it and notice this letter seeking financial support. I recommend helping them out.

May the Dear Lord bless all of you for your support. Mass Times Trust has switched from a seasonal campaign to a two days a week campaign. First of all please keep us in your prayers.

Please support our efforts to serve you and– to better serve Our Lord!

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Our goal is to cover our weekly cost for operations expenses, and for our on going program development cost. Your support is invaluable to us in reaching our mark!

Please click on the “Make A Donation” button to visit our donation page and to support Mass Times!

Please join us and help us so that we can work together and pray together and entrust this new evangelization to the Virgin Mary that as Pope Benedict says, “… She may teach us to love Jesus ever more, in constant meditation of His Word and adoration of His Eucharistic presence, and help us …discover the ‘precious pearl’ of the Eucharist, which gives true and full meaning to life.”

God Bless!
Director of Development

Mass At St. Agnes

St. Agnes Church AltarThis week I got to attend Mass at St. Agnes in Springfield, IL.

Unfortunately this Springfield town wasn’t chosen to have the first public viewing of the Simpsons movie. I’m not really sure most people cared though. But the media sure fixated on it.

We had a very nice Mass yesterday on the feast day of St. Benedict and the priest was kind enough to take time to hear confession for me too.

Although I can’t say that traveling a lot is the most glamorous thing to do I really appreciate the opportunities to visit so many different churches. I can’t tell you how many times I’m sure my guardian angel has helped me find them even when I’ve given up.

Asking For Our Lady’s Help

Our Lady of Mt. CarmelI know Chelsea is posting each day about the Novena to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel.

This is the statue of her in the Carmelite chapel where the novena is held each evening during Mass.

I’ve only been able to attend one evening so far due to travel.

As Chelsea said in an earlier post, the nuns like to decorate with flowers and you can see some of them below the statue here.

Following the Early Christians

Bishop EchevarriaThe Prelate of Opus Dei, Bishop Javier Echevarría, has written a letter to the faithful which you can find online. In it he urges the faithful to consider the ordinary but exemplary life of the first Christians.

To explain Opus Dei’s mission, St. Josemaría often turned to those first sisters and brothers of ours in the faith. If you want a point of comparison, he would say, the easiest way to understand Opus Dei is to consider the life of the early Christians. They lived their Christian vocation seriously, seeking earnestly the holiness to which they had been called by their Baptism. Externally they did nothing to distinguish themselves from their fellow citizens. Similarly, he added, the faithful of Opus Dei are ordinary people. They work like everyone else and live in the midst of the world just as they did before they joined. There is nothing false or artificial about their behavior. They live like any other Christian citizen who wants to respond fully to the demands of his faith, because that is what they are.

Mass in Oklahoma City

St. Francis of Assisi in Oklahoma CityLast week I stayed in Oklahoma City for a few days and had the pleasure of attending week day Mass at St. Francis of Assisi.

It’s a beautiful church and situated with the Rosary Catholic School.

Inside the church and building next door where they have the chapel for weekday Mass you’ll find some beautiful stained glass windows.

They’ve got pictures of them on their website as well as a virtual tour.

Marriage and Parenting According to PEW Research

The PEW Research Center has new survey results out that show that most Americans have moved children to number 8 on the list (was #3 in 1990) of things people associate with a “successful marriage.” This is seriously sad and I’m sure a result of a society that has so devalued faith and life. So what are the top things on the list? “sharing household chores,” “good housing,” “adequate income,” “happy sexual relationship,” and “faithfulness.” The new Pew survey also finds that, by a margin of nearly three-to-one, Americans say that the main purpose of marriage is the “mutual happiness and fulfillment” of adults rather than the “bearing and raising of children.”

What’s interesting to note though is how important children still are in a marriage when a different question is asked.

Asked to weigh how important various aspects of their lives are to their personal happiness and fulfillment, parents in this survey place their relationships with their children on a pedestal rivaled only by their relationships with their spouses – and far above their relationships with their parents, friends, or their jobs or career. This is true both for married and unmarried parents. In fact, relatively speaking, children are most pre-eminent in the lives of unwed parents.

I think it’s also interesting to note that they only bring religion into the survey by asking the participants what church they belong to and calling that “religiosity.” No where do they get into matters of faith and belief and relate that to these questions.

Feast Day Celebrations

Opus Dei Feast Day MassWe didn’t have a special feast day Mass here locally on June 26 but they sure did in Sacré Coeur of Bucharest on June 9, 2007. D. Alberto Steinvorth and a Catholic priest from Buzau, P. Pavel con-celebrated.

The St. Josemaria Institute is collecting pictures from various celebrations and says they’ll be posting them on their website soon.

Mass at the Indy 500

IRL Ministry MassThis is my third year covering the Indianapolis 500 and Fr. Phil DeRea here is still saying Mass as I’m sure he’s done long before I started coming.

Here at the media center he says two Masses on Sunday morning for media and staff.

I understand that he also celebrates Mass at a private hospitality suite as well for one of the League’s main sponsors/teams.

It’s refreshing to see people who have to work on Sunday take time out to make sure they make it to Mass and I appreciate the fact that they allow it to take place.

You can find out more about the IRL Ministry on their website.

The Ascension

The AscensionToday was the feast of the Ascension of our Blessed Lord Jesus into Heaven (yes, our diocese changed it from Thursday to Sunday). This wonderfully blessed event took place in order that our Lord might send us His most Holy Spirit to be our advocate before Him. We will celebrate Pentecost next Sunday, so this whole week is a great time to really meditate with Our Lady on the Glorious Mysteries, our need for the Holy Spirit and our hope for the coming of the Lord.

When they had gathered together they asked him, “Lord, are you at this time going 4 to restore the kingdom to Israel?” He answered them, “It is not for you to know the times or seasons that the Father has established by his own authority. But you will receive power when the holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” When he had said this, as they were looking on, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him from their sight. While they were looking intently at the sky as he was going, suddenly two men dressed in white garments stood beside them. They said, “Men of Galilee, why are you standing there looking at the sky? This Jesus who has been taken up from you into heaven will return in the same way as you have seen him going into heaven.”
~Acts 1:6-11

Also, if you’re following, today was the third day of the Holy Spirit Novena.

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of the faithful and enkindle them with the fire of your Divine Love, send forth your Spirit and they shall be created and Thou shall renew the face of the earth!

Introducing Chelsea Zimmerman

Reflections of a ParalyticI know I’ve introduced you to my daughter Chelsea in the past.

She has her own blog, Reflections of a Parayltic, which I highly recommend you check out.

I’ve set her up as a contributor to Path To Holiness since she has more time to post than I do lately. I think you’ll really like her writing and style.

You won’t find a more active and committed supporter of life.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Our LadyI want to wish all mothers, especially my own mother and my beautiful wife, a very happy Mother’s Day! And, of course, I can’t leave out the Mother of God and our own very Blessed Mother.

Mary, our mother, the Queen of all mothers, we love you! Pray for us!

Heavenly Father, You have been pleased to give all human beings the joy of having a mother, one who works with You to give them life and bring them to human adulthood.

You have given followers of your Son the added joy of a Christian mother, who works with You to give supernatural life to a child and to bring up that child to Christian adulthood.

Over the centuries there have been countless such mothers—heroic, courageous, loving, dedicated, and unconquerable. They have given us the Christian Ages and Christian Saints and in the final analysis the Christian Faith. Without them, there would be no Church, no religious vocation, and no Christian influence in the world. Most of these mothers are unsung in the eyes of the world; they must be content with little things: a smile, a thank you, and a token of remembrance.

In your eyes, however, they are of inestimable worth. Your Word in the Bible uses a mother’s love to describe your overwhelming love for your people, and Jesus uses the image of a mother bird to indicate his love for his people. Most of all, when He wants to convey an idea of the joy of those in heaven, He does so by using the image of a mother’s pure joy in bringing a child into the world.

Dear Lord, let me honor my mother if she is living and remember her in prayer if she is dead. Pour down your grace on her and on all mothers on this day dedicated to them.


Spidey Saves His Soul

Spider-ManLast weekend I went with my wife and daughter to see the latest Spider-Man movie. I am a long time comic book fan so of course I loved it. But I was particularly impressed with the underlying theme of the movie. This wasn’t just an action packed superhero movie, there was a very clear message. That message was forgiveness. One scene in particular illustrated this message perfectly. Spider-Man, finally consumed by hatred and revenge, realizes the terrible effect this has on his soul and flees to a nearby Catholic church. After spending some moments alone on the steeple (in prayer?) he descends into the bell tower and, with the help of the tolling bell, rips off the black garment he had been wearing which was an outward symbol of the vengeance within. It was such a powerful image and I thought, this is the healing power of confession!

Though your sins be like scarlet, they may become white as snow; Though they be crimson red, they may become white as wool (Is 1:18).

The more we sin, the further away from God we become. The sacrament of reconciliation is a sacrament of God’s love, mercy and forgiveness. He is always calling us back! Not only does it reconcile us with God, but also with our neighbor. When one offends God it consequently effects the rest of the Mystical Body of Christ, obviously in a negative way. Therefore, when we repent and offer penance for our sins we will, then, through the mercy and forgiveness of God, help others and repair the damage we have done.

Have recourse to confession; it’s not merely to pardon grave sins or venial sins or even faults. It’s also there to strengthen us, to fill the soul with grace and hasten us along, so that we might travel the road more quickly. It will also show us how to be more adept in struggling and to win, how to behave in such a way that we live virtuously and detest sin. St. Josemaria Escriva

A Guidebook for Confession
Why We Need Confession
Frequent Confession

The Month of Mary

Legion of MaryWhat are you doing to honor our Blessed Mother this month? Have you considered joining the Legion of Mary? I have been an auxiliary member for a number of years while my wife has been an active member, visiting and bringing communion to the nursing homes. This year, my oldest daughter became the president of our parish’s Praesidium. If you are not familiar with the Legion, here is a brief explanation from the official website:

The Legion of Mary was founded in Dublin, Ireland on 7 September 1921. It is a holinelay catholic organisation whose members are giving service to the Church on a voluntary basis in almost every country.
The object of the Legion of Mary is the glory of God through the holiness of its members developed by prayer and active co-operation in Mary’s and the Church’s work.
The unit of the Legion of Mary is called a praesidium, which holds a weekly meeting, where prayer is intermingled with reports and discussion. Persons who wish to join the Legion must apply for membership in a Praesidium.

The great thing about the Legion is that there are two different levels of involvement. First there are active membership. Active members carry out a weekly apostolic work in the spirit of faith and in union with Mary and attend regular weekly meetings. However, if you’re unable to undertake active duties there is an auxiliary membership. These members provide spiritual support for the Legion through the daily recitation of the Rosary and the Legion prayers.

Some of the work includes:

Instructing and preparing others to receive the Sacraments
Teaching the Catholic faith to children or adults
Assisting the pastor with conducting a census of his area
Visiting jail inmates, the hospitalized, the homebound sick or elderly, or residents of nursing homes
Distributing rosaries, medals, Catholic literature in a crowd contact area

Rooted firmly in prayer, the Legion is organised on the model of an army, a spiritual army. The commander of this army is our Blessed Mother, with whom we work to bring souls closer to her Son, Jesus.

This is a great way to honor Our Lady and to work for the salvation of souls. Why not make a membership in the her Legion your gift to your mother Mary this Mother’s Day? Visit these websites or contact your parish or diocese office for more details:

Legion of Mary Concilium
Legion of Mary