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Preparation for Total Consecration

Total ConsecrationI ended my annual Total Consecration to Jesus Christ Through Mary on the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. As you might guess from the condition of my book, it has seen many years. I see it as a great addition to my annual retreat, which I do earlier in the year.

When I used to deer hunt in Missouri during November I would sit in my stand and do the daily meditation and prayers. I kept it in my fanny pack which probably wasn’t the best place to put it. But sitting in the woods was a very quiet and great place for it. I never saw a deer until either before or after I did my daily prayers.

I’ve recommended this prayer and here is an excerpt of the description of the book which you can find on Amazon.

O Virgin most faithful!
Make me in all things so perfect
a disciple, imitator and slave of
incarnate Wisdom, Jesus Christ, your Son,
that I may come, through your intercession and your example,
to the fullness of his age on earth
and of his glory in heaven.

These words from St. Louis de Montfort’s Act of Total Consecration give beautiful expression to the fundamental thrust of his spirituality: Christianity that is fully alive is nothing less than a radical act of total self-surrender and self-gift to the Lord Jesus Christ who, in his redemptive Incarnation, has first given himself totally over to us, and for us.

Website Dedicated To St. Josemaria’s Writings

This website simply titled, “Josemaria Escriva,” is set up and run by the Studium Foundation, which “was established in Madrid on April 6, 2000. Its purpose is to promote “the publication and dissemination on a not-for-profit basis of literary works that contribute to the Christian and human education of persons, as well as to promote or participate in cultural activities that have the same character.” The Foundation administers the rights to St. Josemaria’s writings as well as other books.

On this site you’ll find links to the Opus Dei founder’s books in english like “The Way.”

This is a great reference site and one to bookmark!