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The Passing of Fr. Bill Korte

Fr. Bill KorteLast night my first spiritual director of many, many years passed away – Rev. William L. Korte. I call him Fr. Bill Korte. I can’t even explain how much he has meant to me and my spiritual life. He introduced me to Opus Dei and that’s when I started annual retreats led by the work.

Living in the Jefferson City, MO area I got to become friends with other men who also saw him for spiritual direction. We would travel to retreats by the Wespine Center in St. Louis. In this photo Fr. Korte is on the left and I’m on the right. We were in Rome for the Canonization of St. Josemaria Escriva in 2002.

After moving from Missouri to Florida I mainly kept in touch with him by phone. We would get to talk quite a bit when he had time. I sure wish I could have seen him in-person.

Update: Here is Fr. Korte’s Obituary with schedule for visitation and funeral Mass.

I should have remembered names for the photo above which includes Ed Galbraith, his some James and Fr. Bruce Fogle.

I don’t have much information yet but will add to this post when I can. Fr. Korte was pastor of St. Theresa Catholic Church in Dixon, MO. There is a FB group for it with a post with information too.

Every Day Spiritual Direction

There are so many prayer books, books of spiritual direction and of course, the Bible, that it can be overwhelming. It can be difficult to decide what is best for you or for your current situation. I have experienced this over the years. So, I have several that are every day prayers and reading. These I believe are the most efficacious – the Rosary, Liturgy of the Hours (morning/evening), some spiritual reading and New Testament reading. But I add to this other prayers in the morning and before bed. These vary depending on who I’m praying for or for problems I’m having.

Just recently I started a daily spiritual direction book, “Padre Pio’s Spiritual Direction for Every Day.” These are from letters that he wrote to his own spiritual directors or followers. There is a different one for each day of the year. So, whenever you start you just go to that day and move on from there. I definitely recommend it.

So, to end this, I have to include two other very important things to do in The Way to being with our Lord when we die. Daily Mass if possible and some quiet time to just clear your mind and let God talk to your soul. You may not “hear” Him but He is there and is listening.