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Latin Mass In Lexington

Latin Mass in Lexington, KYThis week I was in Lexington, KY and attended morning Mass at St. Peter Church.

To my surprise the 7am Mass is in traditional Latin. Here’s an iPhone photo image from Monday.

Latin Mass Ministry

St. Peter’s Parish hosts the diocesan Latin Mass Ministry. This ministry celebrates the Mass and the sacraments according to the 1962 Roman Missal, the rite of Pius V, and in accordance with the Motu Proprio of Pope John Paul II, Ecclesia Dei Adflicta.

Mass is celebrated in St. Peter Church on Sundays at 4 pm , and daily (Mondays –Saturdays) at 7 am . Confessions are available prior to mass.

Individuals of the Diocese of Lexington served through this ministry are expected to be members of a parish of the diocese, and may request the celebration of other sacraments with the permission of their local pastor.

We had a choir chanting responses and songs. You can hear what they sounded like here:

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Fortunately for me they had paperback booklets with the Mass in Latin and English so I could follow along.