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CFCA is Unbound

UnboundThe organization Christian Foundation for Children and Aging (CFCA) is changing its name officially in January, 2014. The new name is Unbound.

In our ongoing effort to help children, youth and aging people around the world break free from the bonds of poverty, we chose to bring forward a name that better represents the work we do.

Our calling to help people around the world is without limits. We believe our name should also reflect this. And we trust you share this belief.

Public launch January 2014

You will begin to see our updated name and logo on receipts, correspondence and other materials.

We are working on an exciting new website, which will be ready early in the new year.

“Unbound is a continuation of our essence.”

“Since the very beginning, the founders of CFCA dreamed of freeing God’s people from hunger, from slavery, from pain. Our calling at this historic moment is to be gentle, balanced leaders in our world.”

-Bob Hentzen, President and Co-founder

Just our name is changing

Nothing about the work we do is changing. Our belief in service to the poor remains the same. CFCA was founded by lay Catholics and is rooted in Catholic social teaching. Unbound will continue to be grounded in these beliefs.

Our calling, and yours, is unchanged. Our resolve to connect compassionate people around the world with the people who most need our help has never been stronger.

We’ve been child sponsors through CFCA for many years and will continue to be.

Sponsoring a Child Via CFCA

Mark PhilippinesThis cute little guy is our latest sponsored child through the Christian Foundation for Children and Aging (CFCA). His name is Mark and he lives in the Philippines. We’re looking forward to many years of assisting Mark and his family so that he receives a good education.

While we’re thrilled to have this opportunity we are also saddened because we can no longer continue sponsoring our original child after CFCA closed its mission in Madagascar. For years we had been sponsoring Marie Joseph and corresponding with him and his family. We will miss him and keep him and his family in our prayers.

If you’d like to make a difference in a child’s life then consider becoming a sponsor yourself. It’s simple and I believe CFCA does a good job of putting your donation to good use.