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Honoring Life – Caring for Family

Bishop HolleyThis past Friday during our Holy Hour at the Basilica of St. Michael the Archangel, retired Bishop Martin Holley offered a reflection on “Caring for Family. This is one of the quarterly speakers we have been blessed to have speak out on the value of life. This is organized by the parish Veronica Guild Honoring Life.

Bishop Holley spoke about his family as an example for caring about the life of others. His parents had 14 children and his younger brother has suffered from a fall that paralyzed him. He needs help in a caring facility and Bishop Holley sees to his care every day. It was a very emotional talk.

He also said that “as the Catholic church proclaims that human life is sacred and that the dignity of the human person is the foundation of a moral vision for society, and this belief is the foundation of all principles of our social teaching.” He talked about how human life is under attack in the form or abortion, euthanasia and other issues and we should do everything we can as Roman Catholics to uphold the teaching of Jesus Christ. The scriptures are filled with these teachings.

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