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Chelsea Is The Catholic Vote

Daughter Chelsea is featured in a YouTube video for Catholic Vote called, “We Are The Catholic Vote.” You can see her at 1:07 in. is a community of patriotic Americans who believe our nation’s founding principles are good and true, and worth fighting for.

BTW. Her Mom, Dad and sisters are the Catholic Vote too!

Please exercise your right to vote and be a voice for the unborn who can’t.

Immaculate Conception Cathedral Memphis

I attended Mass this morning at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Memphis, TN. I’m here to make a presentation at a luncheon.

So, why do I post church photos? Because it’s part of my path to holiness. I believe daily Mass is an integral part of my life and am trying to show that you can make it to Mass even if you travel a lot.

Enjoying A Knights of Columbus Breakfast

Council 12992 BreakfastThis morning my Knights of Columbus Council #12992 held one of its monthly breakfasts. These are important for several reasons.

To start with, we raise funds to use in our community service projects. Additionally, it’s a really nice way for members of the Parish to enjoy a good healthy meal and visit with each other after Mass. If you haven’t been to a KofC breakfast then watch the video to see what you’re missing.

I don’t get to attend a lot of our events due to work travel but when I do I get some photos and add them to our website and online photo album.

Look Up Masstimes

Traveling? Need to know where to find a church and what time Mass will be? Then make sure you’ve got bookmarked. You can look up churches anywhere in the world. The service is totally dependent on donations too so please help them if you can. Here are some other options to use their service.

Automated Church Lookup: 1-734-794-2100

Enter the zip code desired location and receive a computer-generated response that gives Church locations and Mass times.

Live Operator: 1-305-598-7490 (English/Spanish)

Speak to a live operator for Church Information. Available only on Tue, Thu, Sat: noon-4pm

If the Live operator is not available when you call please leave a message and she will call you back. You can also email the live operator.

Looking Ahead To There Be Dragons

We’re getting closer to the release of the movie, “There Be Dragons.” This is the movie poster. It sure looks like it will be a good one.

Roland Joffe, the director who brought us the highly acclaimed and deeply spiritual film The Mission has returned to his roots with the epic movie There Be Dragons, a powerful story of war, tragedy, love and redemption. Featured in the NY Times, the $35 million Dragons is rated PG-13 and planned for release in theaters worldwide in Spring, 2011. Set during the turmoil of the Spanish Civil War (early 1900s), Dragons tells the story of two childhood friends who become separated during the political conflict to find themselves on opposite sides as war erupts. One chooses the path of peace and becomes a priest while the other chooses the life of a soldier driven by jealousy and revenge. Each will struggle to find the power of forgiveness over the forces that tore their lives and friendship apart.

Mass Out of the Ordinary

Recently my wife, Cindy, and I were out of town in different states. We of course went to different churches for Sunday Mass but had very similar experiences.

I would classify them as “weird.” In my case I attended Mass in Lexington, KY at Mary, Queen of the Rosary. I knew something was different when I had to ask an usher where the Tabernacle was. Turns out it’s not in the church proper or anywhere near the altar. It’s in a separate room across the hall. It’s a very tiny room with a couple kneelers in it. Kind of makes it hard for very many to visit with our Lord. And maybe even more telling was the fact that before Mass no one was in the little chapel with Jesus. Most people were yakking in and outside of the church.

Otherwise the church appeared pretty normal. But then we got to the Mass. Let’s just say that there were a several things that I found very distracting. First was the sign language dude right in front of the altar to one side. He was in to it with lots of waving of hands and arms and, well, you get the picture. Now, I could understand this if there were people seriously in need of this service. However, best I could tell, no one was watching him. Except me because it was new I guess. It gets better though. Prior to the readings the priest asked all the kids to come forward before being led away. I’ve seen this before and think it’s a travesty for those children. But he sits down on the altar steps with them I guess tried to pretend to be one of them for a couple minutes. Next up is his sermon after the Gospel. I knew it was going to be strange when he pulls a stuffed monkey out from underneath him and wraps it around his neck and starts telling a story about monkeys in the jungle. He wore it throughout his sermon. He put it away at the end with the comment that monkeys aren’t Catholic! Okay.

So while I was attending Mass in Lexington, Cindy was attending Mass in Plano, TX at Prince of Peace church. I think the design tells a story in and of itself with the round structure and flying saucer shaped disk suspended from the ceiling.

I’m going to ask her to add to this post with her experiences. Let’s just say, her story trumps mine.

*Post Update from Cindy*

I don’t know if it was the most unusual Mass I ever attended, but I have been to literally hundreds of Catholic churches all over the world and POP-Plano is by far the strangest church I have ever entered in my life. It was like walking into a piece of “modern” art – which makes it really hard to describe. Like art, I may not know much about it, but I know what I like and this was not it. You can get a general impression from the photo, but it was the stainless steel poles surrounding the perimeter and the donut hanging from the ceiling that really made it unlike any other church I have seen. They are very proud of their “award winning church,” according to the POP website, which gives a guided tour of their worship space. Apparently they have gotten some questions (no doubt) about the design and felt it necessary to explain them. Here’s an excerpt:

“Art and Environment in Catholic Worship” points out to us that what a church building looks like is not important as long as it facilitates the liturgical actions of the Community. When a design promotes good liturgy, it is successful. When it also includes beauty and simplicity it is a major event. We feel that we have combined both. This has been recognized by professional organizations and publications.

We present this “tour” with the prayer that it will help you understand the reasons behind some of the decisions made in the design process. We believe that our church reflects the wisdom that flows from the liturgical renewal affirmed by the Second Vatican Council.

About the “donut” floating on the ceiling – according to the website, “The canopy or “cloud” over the raised platform reminds us of the cloud that was a sign of God’s presence as the Israelites were led through the desert after their release from slavery to the Egyptians.” Ohhhhhhh, now I get it!

As far as the liturgy itself, it was of the normal liberal Catholic variety, nothing I really hadn’t seen before – but the church design itself will be hard to top in the “weirdest ever” category in my book. It’s also important to note that this was the closest church I could find to where I was staying near Dallas, in a new town called Prosper, and it was 18 miles away!