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Chelsea Lives Life On The Rock

I just had the joy of watching oldest daughter, Chelsea, appear as the guest on EWTN’s live show, Life On The Rock. It will air again on EWTN tomorrow at 1am and 1pm, eastern and again on Sunday at 11pm eastern. They did a good job of promoting her blog, Reflections of a Paralytic.

We of course recorded the show. Chelsea is a regular contributor here on Path To Holiness and her Mom and I are very proud of her. She is a very courageous young woman who has a challenging “path” to take through life and is doing so with full faith in God. During the show they talked about her auto accident that left her paralyzed, holiness, sanctity of life and stem cell research. During the program we were getting messages via Facebook from friends who were watching.

The show is archived so you will be able to watch it on your computer.

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