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Pray for Holy Marriages

St. Joachim and St. AnneToday is the feast of Sts. Joachim and Anne (my patron saint), believed to be the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Magnificat book today suggests that this memorial “gives reason to rejoice in the gift of family life and to reflect on the mutual responsibility parents and children have to love one another and lead one another to holiness.” This is the meaning of true marriage and family vocations. In his forward to Christopher West’s book, Good News About Sex and Marriage Archbishop Chaput says that the “most fundamental vocations crisis of all” is marriage and family life. With the divorce rate among Catholics equal to the national average, it is obvious we have a problem on our hands.

Today as we celebrate this very holy couple, blessed to be the parents of the Mother of God, let us pray for greater, and stronger, marriage and family vocations, from which, no doubt, will come more priestly and religious vocations! Let us also thank God for those holy couples and families that exist today, helping to strengthen the Church and society.

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