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How About Some Entertainment Ethics

Institute for Media and EntertainmentHere’s an interesting place that I’ve been told was founded by some Opus Dei Cooperators. It’s the Institute for Media and Entertainment in New York.

The Institute for Media and Entertainment (IME) is dedicated to research and instruction that advance the lifelong career development of media and entertainment executives. The Institute emphasizes personal ethics as a core resource for professionals and their organizations.

You really don’t associate the word ethics with much in the media world today. Here’s an excerpt from the letter from the President, Jim Palos:

The second defining feature involves the interplay between media/entertainment products and culture. The media and entertainment sectors exercise a powerful influence on society, affecting the attitudes we hold and the mores by which we live. IME challenges its students to acknowledge this responsibility before society, and to consider the kind of effect they want to have on culture. We hope to help them become agents for developing material that appeals to what is most noble in the human person, challenging all of us to be persons who live in the service of others.

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