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Ave Maria Town Making Progress

Ave Maria UniversityI have a daughter attending Ave Maria University. It’s one school that I feel very comfortable with having my children attend and for a lot of reasons. She’s loving it. We hope to move there someday.

The town of Ave Maria, FL is being built as we speak and you can get on a list to keep updated on their progress. A new campus will be built along with a town. It looks like progress is being made so that homes can be built within the next couple years.

Let’s Pray For The Sanctity of Life

Life Mass at Basilica in DCIt’s a very prolife kind of weekend, especially in Washington, DC. My 23 year old daughter is there for the first time. She’s wanted to go for a long time. A group of her college friends from Ave Maria University made the trip from Naples yesterday morning. If you see a group on tv in red sweatshirts it might be them.

There will be a vigil Mass again this year at the Basilica of of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. This picture is from last year’s Mass and can be found on the U. S. Conference of Catholic Bishops website. The Mass will be this evening at 8pm est. with Cardinal William Keeler celebrating and giving the homily. You can see a pdf file of some of the activies taking place this weekend here.

EWTN will be featuring live coverage beginning tomorrow.

Here’s the prayer for the helpless unborn from EWTN:

Heavenly Father, in Your love for us, protect against the wickedness of the devil, those helpless little ones to whom You have given the gift of life.

Touch with pity the hearts of those women pregnant in our world today who are not thinking of motherhood.

Help them to see that the child they carry is made in Your image – as well as theirs – made for eternal life.

Dispel their fear and selfishness and give them true womanly hearts to love their babies and give them birth and all the needed care that a mother can give.

We ask this through Jesus Christ, Your Son, Our Lord, Who lives and reigns with You and Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. Amen.

Message From Opus Dei Prelate

Bishop Echeverria - Opus Dei PhotoThe Prelate of Opus Dei, Bishop Echevarria, wrote a lengthy message to all involved in the work at the beginning of the year. You can find the text of it on the Opus Dei website. I’m focused a lot on my family lately. Probably because of these 17, 19 and 23 year old daughters of mine. That’s why I like the mention on family in his message.

In his last public statement on this subject, near the end of his life, the Holy Father John Paul II recalled that “by contemplating the mystery of God who becomes man and is welcomed into a human family, we can fully understand the value and beauty of the family.” And the Pope continued: “not only is the family at the heart of Christian life; it is also the foundation of social and civic life, and thus constitutes a central chapter in Christian social teaching” (John Paul II, Address to participants in the Assembly of the Forum of Family Associations, December 18, 2004).

I think one of the reasons the Catholic Church and Opus Dei are so persecuted today is because so many reject their faith and in that rejection (and the feelings it generates within them) they have no choice but to lash out against anyone who continues to practice theirs. I keep seeing statements online about the work of Opus Dei that portray it in a negative light. This has been practiced since St. Josemaria started the work so it’s certainly nothing new. The work only encourages us to live out our faith in our ordinary everyday lives as the Prelate says in this passage from his message.

St. Josemaría stressed that “our faith does not ignore anything on this earth that is beautiful, noble and authentically human. It simply teaches us that the rule of our life should not be the selfish pursuit of pleasure, because only sacrifice and self-denial lead to true love. God truly loves us; and now he invites us to love him and others with the truthfulness and authenticity with which he loves” (St. Josemaría, Christ Is Passing By, no. 24). Only with this conviction, brought day after day to one’s personal conduct, to one’s own home, to one’s workplace, etc., can we effectively refute, with the help of grace, erroneous ideas and help those who hold them to return to God.

I sometimes wonder if I’m doing enough or even anything at all in leading others back to God. It’s seems hard enough to live my own life properly in today’s world much less work on helping others. I think the work teaches us that just our “good” example is a way we can accomplish this though.

Here’s to another week coming up when we can try to live that good example.

Bishop Michael Francis McAuliffe Passes Away

I’m not posting often here but I will continue to do so. It’s a challenge when I’ve got so many other blogs to maintain, a business to run and a family of almost adult girls. Almost adult means they depend on us financially still even though 2 are in college and 1 is a junior in high school.

Here in Jefferson City, MO our retired Bishop Michael McAuliffe passed away this week and the services are taking place this weekend. My Knights of Columbus council which was recently formed at the Cathedral of St. Joseph has now changed its name to the Bishop McAuliffe Council. You can read a story about our former Bishop on St. Louis

New Book About Opus Dei

A Book About Opus DeiThere’s a new book out on Opus Dei called “Opus Dei: An Objective Look Behind the Myths and Reality of the Most Controversial Force in the Catholic Church”.

You can read what Marc Carroggio, who oversees Opus Dei’s relationship with international journalists in Rome, says about the book on the Opus Dei website.